Saturday, November 13, 2010

True Love Waits

I am finally getting around to posting the photos from the wedding I shot in early October. Sorry to keep nearly everyone, including myself, waiting.

Kendra has been a dear friend of mine since elementary school days. I have been there for her in her ups and downs and it goes without saying that she has been there for nearly all of mine, even though in recent years contact has been sparse. Kendra and Allen met at the pizza joint we all used to work at in high school. One of their first dates included attending my 20th birthday blow-out at my ex-boyfriend's ghetto college palace where they jointly witnessed an inebriated party guest almost fall out of a second story window, shattering the glass, falling to the floor in a confused stupor. Smells of so much romance, I know. I have witnessed their relationship bloom from the earliest stages in the most unexpected of places.

And it's impossible for me to sit back and really swallow the fact that one of my best friends just got married without considering, well, my own position in life.

I know it's difficult to imagine settling down when you're young. Well, at least it has been for me. I don't know if I can fully grasp the impact of love, and I have felt just too damn unsettled for my own good. This has been an area in which I've faltered significantly. I fall down, I get back up, and I fall down again. In many ways I am grateful for the pattern because it constantly challenges me, but it has also made me exhausted... and fearful of loving, afraid that my basket of eggs will fall right out of my hands, shells and yolk splashing up in my face in a tumultuous mess.

Posting these photographs has not only forced me to jot down this sort of disjointed reflection... thankfully the experience of photographing my friend's beautiful wedding reminds me to remain calm and to be open to the possibilities of love.

I have not ruled out any.

Congratulations and all of my love to Kendra and Allen. It was such a privilege to capture their happy day.

(P.S. I am posting photographs from the wedding gradually, so as to avoid an overwhelming page load time.)

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